How Do I Know If There Are Snakes In My Yard?

If you own a home or even if you rent one, you want it to look the best it can. And that includes everything from the roof to the yard. When you have things in your yard, like snakes, it can be much harder to keep everything looking good.

To know if there are snakes in a yard, look for a few signs, like snakeskin, snake droppings, and slither tracks. Snakes also give off a particular smell, so it’s possible to notice that around common areas, like a garden. Snake holes can also be a sign that they’re nearby.

If you discover your yard has snakes, you can get rid of them. That way, you don’t have to worry about holes, droppings, or skin ruining the appearance of your home. Keep reading to learn more about these snake signs and what to do about them.


The first way to see if there’s a snake in your yard is if you see snakeskin. You may find a full sheet of skin, or you may discover the skin crumpled up. Either way, snakeskin is a sure sign that at least one is in your yard.

On average, snakes shed their skin two to four times each year. Younger snakes may shed skin more often, sometimes as frequently as every other week. Once they hit adulthood, the snake may only shed once every six months.

Snake Droppings

Another thing to look for is snake droppings or poop. Snake poop looks similar to bird poop, though you may notice bones and hair from the snake’s prey. It can look brown and have a strong smell.

Snake poop can also be hard to distinguish from lizard poop, though lizard poop looks like pellets. On the other hand, snake poop may look like long streaks. Snake poop may also look white, so it can be easy to eliminate other animals.

Slither Tracks

The next sign you have snakes in your yard is if you see slither tracks. These tracks may be hard to find in your yard, but they may appear on dusty or dirty surfaces, such as around a garden or in areas without much grass.

Snakes can move and slither in a few ways. The most common way is called lateral undulations, which forms tracks that you expect from a snake. However, snakes can also use a method called a concertina, and the tracks can look very different.

Snake Holes

If you see a few very circular holes in different sizes, you may be seeing snake holes. You can find snake holes in the grass but also in concrete cracks or in trees. However, holes can also be a sign of moles or other pests.

Luckily, you can use the other signs of snakes in your yard to narrow down your options. You can look around for cobwebs or snakeskin to see if the hole is vacant or in use. Also, seeing snake poop and slither tracks can help you determine if a snake is close by.

What Attracts Snakes to Your Yard?

Many things can attract a snake to your yard. Of course, if they can find easy prey, like lizards, mice, and rodents, the snake will want to stay in your yard.

A lot of excess moisture can also be attractive to snakes. You may also find snakes love to burrow in your yard if you have tall grass or many places for them to dig holes.

Will a Snake Return to My Property?

A snake may return to your property if it’s able to continuously find prey. But they may also come back if they make a nest in a snake hole. Adult snakes may return to check on their young, and even if they don’t return, the young snakes will make their appearance.

How Can I Prevent Snakes From Returning to My Yard?

If you notice you have snakes in your yard, don’t panic. You can get rid of the problem with a few steps. Some steps are easier and don’t take long to do, while others are more intense.

Consider starting with a few easier options because they may be enough to get rid of your snake problem. But if they don’t work, you can move to the more involved methods to clear your yard.

Here are a few things you can do to get rid of snakes.

Add Mulch

Mulch is an easy tool to keep snakes away because they don’t like sharp materials and textures. You can add mulch to wherever you notice snakes tend to hang out. That way, you can minimize their effect on your yard.

Thick chopped wood, crushed up pine cones, and rick chips all make good mulch. You can add the mulch to your garden and around your home’s exterior to keep snakes away.

Get Rid of Excess Moisture

While snakes hate sharp things, they love moisture and water. If you have puddles or other standing water in your yard, do your best to get rid of it. Soak it up with a towel, or see how you can improve the drainage.

Unfortunately, this does require ongoing work any time it rains. But it can help if you find snakeskin around puddles or other places with a lot of water.

Mow the Yard Regularly

Another ongoing tool to get rid of snakes in your yard is mowing. Snakes enjoy tall grass where they can easily hide, so they won’t want to leave your yard. But if you mow each week, you can keep the grass short and clean.

That way, snakes won’t be able to hide from their prey as easily. Just make sure you’re careful the first time if you haven’t moved in a while so that you can avoid snakes as you mow.

Get Rid of Snake Food

Of course, snakes will hang out anywhere with easy prey. If you also have mice or rats in your yard, you should get rid of them. That will help solve both pest problems at once.

You can get rid of rodents with mice traps and also by keeping your yard clean. Getting rid of bird food and trash can also keep mice and rats from hanging around your yard.

If you notice any mice or rats around your yard, you should get rid of them as soon as you can. That way, the snakes won’t learn that your yard is a good place to hunt.

Use a Repellent

If you still have a snake problem in your yard, you can take more serious measures. Make your yard unpleasant for these pesky animals. Snakes are very sensitive to ultrasonic sounds. There are products like this solar-powered snake repellent that emits a sonic sound into the soil. Snakes pick up any sonic sounds through the receptors in their skin, process as a danger, and move away.

Another option is to get snake repellent granules. There are products available on the market that are completely safe for humans and pets. All you need to do is to apply the product around the perimeter of the area you want to protect. The product temporarily disrupts snakes’ sensory reception. Apply the repellent anywhere that you’ve seen snakes or other signs of snakes.

You can also use glue traps. Those can be a more natural way to get rid of snakes, however, take into consideration that other small animals can get trapped in those glue traps.

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Anat Goldberg

Hi! My name is Anat and I have lived all my life in the countryside. I grew on a farm in Northern Italy and from an early age, I took care of the animals on the farm and the family garden. Over the years I have developed a growing passion for organic cultivation and pest control.

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